PDFWAC 16-403-134

Soluble solids and shipping dates for Red Delicious, Delicious and Golden Delicious.

(1) Red Delicious and Delicious varieties may not be shipped prior to October 1st of the current growing season unless they have at least eleven percent soluble solids as determined by refractometer.
(2) Golden Delicious varieties may not be shipped prior to September 20th of the current growing season unless they have at least ten and one-half percent soluble solids as determined by refractometer.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 15.17.030, [15.17.]050, [15.17.]060, and chapter 34.05 RCW. WSR 17-03-002, ยง 16-403-134, filed 1/4/17, effective 2/4/17.]