PDFWAC 16-403-144

Firmness at time of shipping standards for Red Delicious, Delicious, Golden Delicious, Gala, and Jonagold.

At time of shipment the following firmness standards must be met:
(1) Red Delicious and Delicious varieties must pressure test at least twelve pounds. However, apples failing to pressure test twelve pounds may be considered as meeting the requirements of this section when the individual apple exhibits edible qualities and texture of flesh comparable to other apples of the same variety which pressure test twelve pounds or more.
(2) Golden Delicious variety must pressure test at least ten pounds. However, apples failing to pressure test ten pounds may be considered as meeting the requirements of this section when the individual apple exhibits edible qualities and texture of flesh comparable to other apples of the same variety which pressure test ten pounds or more.
(3) Gala and Jonagold varieties must pressure test at least eleven pounds.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 15.17.030, [15.17.]050, [15.17.]060, and chapter 34.05 RCW. WSR 17-03-002, ยง 16-403-144, filed 1/4/17, effective 2/4/17.]