(1) All intrastate and interstate shipments and/or individual packages of Berberis, Mahonia or Mahoberberis plants, seeds, or parts capable of propagation must be plainly labelled or stamped on the outside of the package with botanical species or horticultural variety and the name and address of the consignee and consignor. In addition, when required by federal regulations in 7 C.F.R. 301.38, each shipment and/or individual package containing Berberis, Mahonia or Mahoberberis plants or seeds must have securely attached to the outside, a valid shipping permit issued by the United States Department of Agriculture authorizing its interstate movement.
(2) Any Berberis, Mahonia and Mahoberberis plants, plant parts or seeds that are in violation of this barberry and black stem rust quarantine are subject to destruction, shipment out-of-state or other disposition in a manner prescribed by the department. Any such action will be at the expense of the owner or owner's agent and without compensation.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters
17.24, 15.13, and
15.08 RCW. WSR 00-20-069, ยง 16-472-040, filed 10/3/00, effective 11/3/00; Order 556, effective 9/1/49.]