(1) No dealer may purchase, receive or import out-of-state ginseng unless it is accompanied by a valid certificate of origin issued by the state or country of origin. The certificate must include the state or country of origin, the source (wild or cultivated), year of harvest, and dry weight of the out-of-state ginseng.
(2) The dealer shall retain for a period of three years a copy of each written certificate of origin received.
(3) If a dealer receives ginseng not accompanied by a valid certificate of origin, the uncertified ginseng must be returned within 30 days to the state or country of origin. Failure to do so shall render the ginseng illegal for commerce.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
15.17 RCW. WSR 97-23-059, ยง 16-695-035, filed 11/18/97, effective 12/19/97.]