PDFWAC 44-14-00006

Additional resources.

Several web sites provide information on the act. The attorney general office's web site on public records is http://www.atg.wa.gov/obtaining-records, which also includes a link to an Open Government Resource Manual. The municipal research and services center, an entity serving local governments, provides public records resources on its web site at http://mrsc.org/Home.aspx. A requestor's organization, the Washington Coalition for Open Government, has materials on its web site at www.washingtoncog.org. The Washington Association of Public Records Officers has resources for public records officers on its web site at http://wapro.memberclicks.net.
More materials are available from other organizations such as the Washington State Bar Association.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 42.56.570. WSR 18-06-051, § 44-14-00006, filed 3/2/18, effective 4/2/18. Statutory Authority: 2005 c 483 § 4, RCW 42.17.348. WSR 06-04-079, § 44-14-00006, filed 1/31/06, effective 3/3/06.]