C409.2 Energy source metering. Buildings shall have a meter at each energy source. For each energy supply source listed in Section C409.2.1 through C409.2.4, meters shall collect data for the whole building or for each separately metered portion of the building where not exempted by the exception to Section C409.1.
EXCEPTIONS: | 1. Energy source metering is not required where end use metering for an energy source accounts for all usage of that energy type within a building, and the data acquisition system accurately totals the energy delivered to the building or separately metered portion of the building. |
| 2. Solid fuels such as coal, firewood or wood pellets that are delivered via mobile transportation do not require metering. |
C409.2.1 Electrical energy. This category shall include all electrical energy supplied to the building and its associated site, including site lighting, parking, recreational facilities, and other areas that serve the building and its occupants.
C409.2.2 Gas and liquid fuel supply energy. This category shall include all natural gas, fuel oil, propane and other gas or liquid fuel energy supplied to the building and site.
C409.2.3 District energy. This category shall include all net energy extracted from district steam systems, district chilled water loops, district hot water systems, or other energy sources serving multiple buildings.
C409.2.4 Site-generated renewable energy. This category shall include all net energy generated from on-site solar, wind, geothermal, tidal or other natural sources. For buildings exempt from data collection systems, the data from these meters is permitted to either be stored locally using a manual totalizing meter or other means at the meter or fed into a central data collection system.