PDFWAC 118-30-060

Emergency plan.

(1) Each political subdivision shall maintain a current plan of operations which shall be based on a hazard analysis and as a minimum, include a basic document with the following elements:
(a) Mission or purpose - Each plan shall contain a section which provides an explanation of why the plan is established, the citation of authorizing or enabling federal, state, and local statute, and an explanation of the situations and assumptions from which the plan is based.
(b) Organization and responsibilities - The plan shall contain a section which defines the emergency responsibilities for each agency involved in the plan and provide a brief explanation of the chain of command and organizational relationship among such agencies.
(c) Concept of operations - Each plan shall contain a section which provides a general explanation of how the plan is to be implemented and how the general functions are to be performed.
(d) Administration and logistics - Each plan shall contain a section which outlines the measures for the administration and the utilization of resources in response and recovery actions and which defines how such actions will be financed.
(e) Direction and control - Each plan shall contain a section which describes the location of emergency operating centers, and the mechanisms for maintaining continuity of civil government within the political subdivision.
(2) The plan shall also include a functional description of how each of the following operational components will be addressed. It is recommended these components be in annex form in the order listed herein:
(a) Direction, control and coordination
(b) Continuity of government
(c) Emergency resource management
(d) Warning
(e) Emergency public information
(f) Response and recovery operation reports
(g) Movement (evacuation)
(h) Shelter
(i) Human resources (manpower)
(j) Mass care and individual assistance
(k) Medical, health and mortuary
(l) Communication
(m) Food
(n) Transportation
(o) Radiological and technological protection
(p) Law enforcement
(q) Fire protection
(r) Emergency engineering services
(s) Search and rescue
(t) Military support
(u) Religious and volunteer agency affairs
(v) Emergency administrative procedures
(w) Emergency fiscal procedures and records
(x) Training and education
(y) Energy and utilities
(z) Special subjects (political subdivisions may develop special contingency procedures for specific hazards or events).
(3) It is recommended the annexes be written using the following format:
(a) Purpose
(b) Operational concepts
(c) Responsibilities
(i) Local agencies
(ii) Volunteer or private agencies or organizations
(d) Agency functions by time phase
(i) Mitigation and preparedness
(ii) Response
(iii) Recovery
(e) Appendices
(i) Organization chart
(ii) Standard operation procedures as necessary
(iii) Attachments.
(4) The plan may vary from the annex format, such as using chapters or sections, provided that each of the operational components listed in subsection (2) of this section is addressed. In such case, the plan must include a cross-reference index which specifies exactly where the operational components are located in the plan.
(5) The plan shall address or include the following items:
(a) Local ordinances or resolutions establishing the emergency management organization, mutual aid agreements, memoranda of understanding, and other documents important to the adoption or implementation of the plan shall be referenced in the plan or included in the plan's appendices.
(b) The month and year of the most recent revision shall be identified on each page of the plan and its associated procedures and checklists.
(c) Each page shall be numbered.
(6) The plan shall be promulgated by letter signed by the current executive head.
(7) The plan shall be reviewed and updated at least once every two calendar years.
(8) No less than once each calendar year, the operational capabilities shall be tested by an emergency operations exercise or by an actual local emergency declaration.
(9) Revised or updated portions of the plan shall be submitted to the director within ninety calendar days of revision.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 38.52 RCW. WSR 86-15-068 (Order 86-10), ยง 118-30-060, filed 7/22/86.]