Grays Harbor College, as a place of work and study, aspires to be maintained free of all forms of harassment, discrimination, intimidation and exploitation. Members of the college community should be aware that the college will take action to prevent and correct such behavior and that individuals who engage in such behavior are subject to discipline. Retaliation against any employee, student, applicant or volunteer who reports harassment is also subject to discipline.
It is the intent of this policy to provide an internal means of mediating and resolving harassment complaints, with the understanding that all parties to such complaints have access to resources outside the college as well. Cases involving a student as the accused will be referred to the vice president for student services for disposition under the student conduct code.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
28B.50.140(13). WSR 94-20-073, ยง 132B-310-010, filed 10/3/94, effective 11/3/94.]