PDFWAC 132H-140-050

Scheduling and reservation practices.

The primary purpose of college facilities is to serve the instructional program of the college. However, the facilities, when not required for scheduled college use, may be available for rental by the public in accordance with current fee schedules and other relevant terms and conditions for such use.
No college facilities may be used by individuals or groups from outside the college unless the facilities including buildings, equipment and facilities land have been reserved.
In determining whether to accept a request for the use of college facilities, the administration shall use the college mission statement and the following items, listed in priority order, as guidelines:
(1) Bellevue Community College scheduled programs and activities.
(2) Major college events.
(3) Foundation related events.
(4) Noncollege (outside individual or organization) events.
Arrangements for use of college facilities must be made through the campus operations office.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 05-07-069, § 132H-140-050, filed 3/14/05, effective 4/14/05; WSR 02-14-007, § 132H-140-050, filed 6/20/02, effective 7/21/02; WSR 82-11-039 (Order 80, Resolution No. 149), § 132H-140-050, filed 5/12/82; WSR 79-10-051 (Order 64, Resolution No. 121), § 132H-140-050, filed 9/17/79; Order 28, § 132H-140-050, filed 3/7/75.]