PDFWAC 132L-350-260

Supplemental complaint process for sexual misconduct.

The following supplemental procedures shall apply with respect to complaints or other reports of alleged sexual misconduct by a student.
(1) The college's Title IX coordinator or designee, shall investigate complaints or other reports of alleged sexual misconduct by a student. Investigations will be completed in a timely manner and the results of the investigation shall be referred to the student conduct officer for disciplinary action.
(2) College personnel will honor requests to keep sexual misconduct complaints confidential to the extent this can be done without unreasonably risking the health, safety and welfare of the complainant or other members of the college community or compromising the college's duty to investigate and process sexual harassment and sexual violence complaints.
(3) The student conduct officer, prior to initiating disciplinary action, will make a reasonable effort to contact the complainant to discuss the results of the investigation and possible disciplinary sanctions and/or conditions, if any, that may be imposed upon the respondent if the allegations of sexual misconduct are found to have merit.
(4) The student conduct officer, within a reasonable amount of time after the disciplinary decision is served on the respondent, will serve a written notice informing the complainant whether the allegations of sexual misconduct were found to have merit and describing any disciplinary sanctions and/or conditions imposed upon the respondent for the complainant's protection, including disciplinary suspension or dismissal of the respondent. The notice will also inform the complainant of his or her appeal rights. If protective sanctions and/or conditions are imposed, the student conduct officer shall make a reasonable effort to contact the complainant to ensure that prompt notice of the protective disciplinary sanctions and/or conditions.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140 and chapter 34.05 RCW. WSR 15-18-054, ยง 132L-350-260, filed 8/27/15, effective 9/27/15.]