PDFWAC 132N-125-110

Brief adjudicative proceedingsā€”Initial hearing.

(1) Brief adjudicative proceedings shall be conducted by a conduct review officer designated by the president. The conduct review officer shall not participate in any case in which he or she is a complainant or witness, or in which they have direct or personal interest, prejudice, or bias, or in which they have acted previously in an advisory capacity.
(2) Before taking action, the conduct review officer shall conduct an informal hearing and provide each party:
(a) An opportunity to be informed of the college's view of the matter; and
(b) An opportunity to explain the party's view of the matter.
(3) The conduct review officer shall serve an initial decision upon both parties within ten days of the appeal. The initial decision shall contain a brief written statement of the reasons for the decision and information about how to seek administrative review of the initial decision. If no request for review is filed within twenty-one days of the initial decision, the initial decision shall be deemed the final decision.
(4) If the conduct review officer, upon review, determines that the respondent's conduct may warrant imposition of a disciplinary suspension of more than ten days or expulsion, the matter shall be referred to the student conduct committee for a disciplinary hearing.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140(3). WSR 14-12-024, Ā§ 132N-125-110, filed 5/27/14, effective 7/7/14.]