PDFWAC 132R-04-103

Supplemental sexual misconduct procedures.

(1) Both the respondent and the complainant in cases involving allegations of sexual misconduct shall be provided the same procedural rights to participate in student discipline matters, including the right to participate in the initial discipline action and to appeal the student conduct officer's disciplinary order. Application of the following procedures is limited to student conduct code proceedings involving allegations of sexual misconduct. In such cases, these procedures shall supplement the student disciplinary procedures. In the event of conflict between the sexual misconduct procedures and the student disciplinary procedures, the sexual misconduct procedures shall prevail.
(2) Supplemental complaint process. The following supplemental procedures shall apply with respect to complaints or other reports of alleged sexual misconduct by a student.
(a) The college's Title IX compliance officer shall investigate complaints or other reports of alleged sexual misconduct by a student. Investigations will be completed in a timely manner and the results of the investigation shall be referred to the student conduct officer for disciplinary action.
(b) Informal dispute resolution shall not be used to resolve sexual misconduct complaints without written permission from both the complainant and the respondent. If the parties elect to mediate a dispute, either party shall be free to discontinue mediation at any time. In no event shall mediation be used to resolve complaints involving allegations of sexual violence.
(c) College personnel will honor requests to keep sexual misconduct complaints confidential to the extent this can be done without unreasonably risking the health, safety, and welfare of the complainant or other members of the college community or compromising the college's duty to investigate and process sexual harassment and sexual violence complaints.
(d) The student conduct officer, prior to initiating disciplinary action, will make a reasonable effort to contact the complainant to discuss the results of the investigation and possible disciplinary sanctions and/or conditions (if any) that may be imposed upon the respondent if the allegations of sexual misconduct are found to have merit.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 17-22-054, ยง 132R-04-103, filed 10/25/17, effective 11/25/17.]