The trustees, administration and the faculty of the college subscribe to the proposition that an important aspect of the education of college students is the opportunity to listen to speakers representing a wide variety of opinions and beliefs on important public issues. In conformity with the American tradition of free speech and free inquiry, the following policies are established governing the appearance on campus of speakers not themselves members of the college community.
(1) Any recognized ASB campus student organization may invite speakers on campus subject to the legal restraints imposed by the laws of the United States and the state of Washington.
(2) The appearance of an invited speaker on the campus does not represent an endorsement, either implicit or explicit, of his/her views by the college, its students, its faculty, its administration or its board.
(3) The scheduling of facilities for guest lecturers or invited speakers shall be made through the office of the vice president of instruction or the director of student programs, by the inviting instructor or campus student organization.
(4) The vice president of instruction or the director of student programs will be notified at least three days prior to the appearance of an invited speaker, at which time a proper form (available in the office of the vice president of instruction or director of student programs) must be completed with all particulars regarding speaker, time, place, etc., signed by the sponsoring instructor or organization advisor, and filed with the office of the vice president of instruction or the director of student programs. Exceptions to the three-day ruling may be made by either of the identified administrators.
(5) The vice president of instruction or the director of student programs may require a question period or arrange to have views other than those of the invited speakers represented at the meeting, or at a subsequent meeting. The president or his/her designee may assign faculty or staff to preside over any meeting where a speaker has been invited.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
28B.50.140 and chapter
34.05 RCW. WSR 03-15-063, ยง 132R-136-060, filed 7/14/03, effective 8/14/03.]