The CBC student code of conduct will apply to conduct by students and student organizations that occurs on college premises, within the residence halls, at college-sponsored events and activities, foreign or domestic travel associated with any of these events or activities, and to off-campus conduct which is in violation or alleged violation of local, state, or federal law, or this student code of conduct. Allegations or violations which occur off campus can be subject to college disciplinary action if the conduct has an effect on the CBC campus. The student code of conduct applies to conduct from the time of application for admission until the award of a degree and/or certificate, even if the conduct may have occurred before classes begin, after classes end, during the academic year, or during periods between terms of actual enrollment. These standards shall apply to a student's conduct even if the student is suspended or withdraws from the college while a disciplinary matter is pending. If a student withdraws after allegedly violating the student code of conduct, but prior to the college reaching a disciplinary decision in the matter, the college can move forward with the disciplinary process, place the process on hold until the student returns, or choose to place the investigation results in the student's file for consideration should they reapply for admittance, reenroll or register for any educational offerings at the college.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
28B.50.140. WSR 20-03-046, ยง 132S-100-107, filed 1/9/20, effective 2/9/20.]