PDFWAC 132S-100-123

Composition of the student appeals board.

The college will have a SAB composed of three members, appointed by the vice president for student services (VPSS) or designee, who will serve as a standing committee until a decision is made regarding the appeal of the student conduct matter for which it was convened. Any SAB member who has a personal relationship with either party or any personal or other interest which would prevent a fair and impartial review and decision will be recused from the proceedings. The three members of the SAB shall include only faculty and administrative exempt nonstudent college employees trained to conduct the brief adjudicative process. The chairperson will provide administrative oversight throughout the appeal process. The college may retain an advisor to the SAB including an assistant attorney general.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 20-03-046, ยง 132S-100-123, filed 1/9/20, effective 2/9/20.]