PDFWAC 132S-100-440


Students found responsible for violations of the student code of conduct may be subject to the following sanctions:
(1) Warning. A verbal statement or notice in writing to the respondent that they are violating or have violated college rules or regulations and that continued violations may be the cause for further disciplinary action.
(2) Reprimand. Notice in writing that the respondent has violated one or more of the policies outlined in the student code of conduct and that continuation of the same or similar behavior may result in more severe disciplinary action.
(3) Loss of privileges. Denial of specified privileges for a designated period of time.
(4) Loss of recognition. A student organization's recognition may be withheld permanently or for a specific period of time. Loss of recognition is defined as withholding college services or administrative approval from a student organization. Services and approval to be withdrawn may include, but are not limited to, intramural sports, information technology services, college facility use and rental, and involvement in organizational activities.
(5) Restitution. A student may be required to make restitution for damage, loss, or injury. This may take the form of appropriate service and/or monetary or material replacement. Failure to make restitution within thirty instructional days or any period set by the SCO, SCB, SAB, or president will result in an administrative hold being placed on the student's registration, which will prevent future enrollment until the restitution is complete.
(6) Discretionary sanctions. Work assignments, essays, service to the college, or other related discretionary assignments.
(7) Disciplinary probation. Formal action placing conditions upon the student's continued attendance for violations of college rules or regulations or other failure to meet the college's expectations within the student code of conduct. Written notice of disciplinary probation will specify the period of probation and any condition(s) upon which their continued enrollment is contingent. Such conditions may include, but not be limited to, adherence to terms of a behavior contract or limiting the student's participation in extra-curricular activities or access to specific areas of the college's facilities. Disciplinary probation may be for a specified term or for a period which may extend to graduation or award of a degree or certificate or other termination of the student's enrollment in the college.
(8) Restricted access to (trespass from) certain college facilities, property or activities.
(9) Suspension. Separation of the student from the college for a definite period of time, after which the student is eligible to return. Conditions for readmission may apply. Students who are suspended may be denied access to all or any part of the campus or other facilities for the duration of the period of suspension.
(10) Expulsion. Permanent separation of the student from the college. Students who are expelled may be permanently denied access to all or any part of the campus or other facilities.
(11) Revocation of admission and/or degree or certificate. Admission to the college or a degree or certificate awarded from the college may be revoked for fraud, misrepresentation, or other violation of college standards in obtaining admission or the degree or certificate, or for other serious violations committed by a student prior award of a degree or certificate.
(12) Withholding degree or certificate. The college may withhold awarding a degree or certificate until the completion of the process set forth in the student code of conduct, including the completion of all sanctions imposed, if any.
(13) Professional evaluation. Referral for drug, alcohol, psychological or medical evaluation by an appropriately certified or licensed professional may be required. The student may choose the professional within the scope of practice and with the professional credentials as defined by the college. Authorization for release of information will be required to allow the college access to the evaluation. The student's return to college may be conditioned upon compliance with recommendations set forth in such a professional evaluation. If the evaluation indicates that the student is not capable of functioning within the college community, the student will remain suspended until future evaluation recommends that the student is capable of reentering the college and complying with the student code of conduct.
(14) Delayed suspension. A probationary amount of time set by the SCO, SCB, SAB, or president in which the student must remain in good standing. If the student is found responsible for violating the student code of conduct while still under the delayed suspension guidelines, then the student will be suspended, as set forth in subsection (7) of this section.
(15) No contact order. An order that prohibits direct or indirect physical, verbal, written, and/or any other form of communication or contact with an individual or group. Direct and indirect contact includes, but is not limited to, phone calls, letters, going within sight of places of work or residence, email, social media, etc.
If the respondent is found responsible for any violation, the student's past disciplinary record may be considered in determining an appropriate sanction.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140. WSR 20-03-046, ยง 132S-100-440, filed 1/9/20, effective 2/9/20.]