(1) If the president deems sufficient cause exists, a formal charge will be brought against the employee affording an opportunity for a formal hearing after not less than ten days notice. The notice shall include:
(a) A statement of the time, place and nature of the proceeding;
(b) A statement of the legal authority and jurisdiction under which the hearing is to be held;
(c) A reference to the particular rules of the district involved;
(d) A statement of the charges and allegations.
Copies of such notice will go to the appropriate dean, the chairperson of the dismissal review committee, and the president of the association.
(2) Such formal hearing shall be in accordance with and in full compliance with, RCW
28B.19.120; 28B.19.130; and
28B.19.140: Provided, however, Implementation of RCW
28B.19.120 shall always involve a hearing officer appointed by the district.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters
34.04, 34.08 and
28B.19 RCW. WSR 82-07-033 (Resolution No. 82-4), ยง 132T-06-085, filed 3/12/82.]