PDFWAC 132V-121-030


The definitions and phrases in this section apply throughout this chapter.
Academic misconduct is the violation of college policies (e.g., tampering with grades, taking part in obtaining or distributing any part of an exam prior to the scheduled testing time).
Calendar day means all days of the month, not just instructional days. In cases where a specified due date falls on a weekend or holiday, the working day closest to the date due will be used (i.e., if the seventh day deadline falls on Saturday the document will be due on Friday).
Cheating includes, but is not limited to, when a student misrepresents that he or she mastered information on an academic exercise.
College means Tacoma Community College main campus and any other campus or college facility which may be created by the board of trustees.
College employee includes any person employed by the college performing assigned administrative or professional responsibilities.
College premises includes all land, buildings, facilities and other property in the possession of or owned, used, controlled, or leased/rented by the college, and agencies or institutions that have educational agreements with the college, extending to associated electronic communication including web sites and distance learning classroom environments.
Complainant means any person who alleges that a student violated the code of student conduct.
Conduct hold means a block prohibiting the student from registering for classes until he or she receives clearance from the student conduct administrator.
Fabrication is the use of invented information or the falsification of research or other findings with the intent to deceive or mislead.
Faculty means any person hired by the college to conduct classroom or teaching activities or who is otherwise considered by the college to be a member of its faculty.
Instructional day means any regularly scheduled instructional day designated in the instructional calendar, including summer quarter, as a day when classes are held or during final examination week. Saturdays and Sundays are not regularly scheduled instructional days.
May is used in the permissive sense.
Member of the college community includes any person who is a student, faculty member, college employee, or volunteer. A person's status in a particular situation will be determined by the student conduct administrator.
Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to, the inclusion of someone else's words, ideas or data as one's own work.
Policy means the written regulations of the college as found in, but not limited to, the code of student conduct, college web site, college catalog, and college administrative manual.
Respondent means any student accused of violating the code of student conduct.
Student conduct administrator means a college employee authorized by the vice president for student services to impose consequences upon any student(s) found to have violated the code of student conduct.
Student conduct appeal board means members of the college community authorized by the vice president for student services to hear an appeal by a student of a student conduct administrator's determination and imposed consequences for an alleged violation of the code of student conduct.
Student means any person who is admitted to or enrolled for classes through the college, including any person in affiliated distance learning courses. Admitted or enrolled students who withdraw after allegedly violating the code are considered students.
Will is used in the imperative sense.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28B.50.140(13). WSR 11-24-031, ยง 132V-121-030, filed 12/1/11, effective 1/1/12.]