PDFWAC 137-91-030

Utilization review.

When purchasing health care services and establishing medical necessity of services, the secretary is authorized to implement health care utilization management methods to assure the appropriateness of the care rendered to the offender. These methods may include but are not limited to: Prior authorization; hospital length of stay review; case management; treatment guidelines; and audit of billed charges and services rendered.
[WSR 97-22-057, ยง 137-91-030, filed 11/3/97, effective 10/22/97.]
Reviser's note: Under RCW 34.05.030 (1)(c), as amended by section 103, chapter 288, Laws of 1988, the above section was not adopted under the Administrative Procedure Act, chapter 34.05 RCW, but was published in the Washington State Register and codified into the Washington Administrative Code exactly as shown by the agency filing with history notes added by the code reviser's office.