These rules are intended to supplement the procedures contained in the Administrative Procedure Act, chapter
34.05 RCW, and the model rules of procedure, chapter
10-08 WAC. In the case of conflict between the Administrative Procedure Act, the model rules of procedure, and the procedural rules adopted in this chapter, the procedural rules adopted in this chapter shall govern.
Peace officer certification proceedings are distinct from proceedings before the commission under chapter
139-03 WAC and this chapter is not intended to modify chapter
139-03 WAC.
This chapter is not intended to affect standards relating to civil service appeals, to collective bargaining remedies, or to any similar remedies for direct review of employment actions.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
43.101.080. WSR 03-02-010, ยง 139-06-160, filed 12/20/02, effective 1/20/03.]