PDFWAC 173-100-090

Groundwater advisory committee.

(1) The groundwater advisory committee shall be responsible for overseeing the development of the groundwater management program; reviewing the work plan, schedule and budget for the development of the program; assuring that the program is technically and functionally sound; verifying that the program is consistent with this chapter and with the respective authorities of the affected agencies; and formulating and implementing a public involvement plan.
(2) The membership of each groundwater advisory committee shall represent a broad spectrum of the public in order to ensure that the groundwater is protected and utilized for the greatest benefit to the people of the state. The committee shall include, but not be limited to, representation from the following groups:
(a) Local government legislative authorities within the designated area;
(b) Planning agencies having jurisdiction within the designated area;
(c) Health agencies having jurisdiction within the designated area;
(d) Groundwater user groups within the designated area, including domestic well owners;
(e) The department;
(f) Department of social and health services;
(g) Other local, state, and federal agencies as determined to be appropriate by the department;
(h) Tribal governments, where a groundwater management program may affect tribal waters;
(i) Public and special interest groups such as agricultural, well drilling, forestry, environmental, business and/or industrial groups within the area, as determined to be appropriate by the department.
(3) The department shall appoint, by letter, members and alternates to the groundwater advisory committee after seeking nominations from the groups listed above. Members and alternates shall serve until the groundwater management program for the area is certified. The department may appoint replacement members or alternates upon request of the appointee or the groundwater advisory committee.
(4) The lead agency shall hold the first meeting of the groundwater advisory committee within sixty days of the appointment of the committee. Public notice shall be given for each meeting. The lead agency shall chair the first meeting, during which the advisory committee shall determine, by general agreement, rules for conducting business, including voting procedures, and the chairperson of the advisory committee.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 90.44.400. WSR 86-02-004 (Order DE 85-24), ยง 173-100-090, filed 12/20/85.]