(1) When flowing artesian conditions are known or suspected, the operator shall have a written sealing plan prepared prior to initiation of construction. The plan shall identify the type of sealing material that will be used and the method for sealing. The plan shall also contain at least one alternative construction method for sealing and an emergency contingency section which will identify steps to be taken if the groundwater flow cannot be controlled.
(2) When artesian water is encountered in the well, an unperforated well casing shall extend into the confining stratum overlying the artesian zone. The casing shall be sealed into the confining stratum to prevent surface and subsurface leakage from the artesian zone. If the well flows at land surface, it must be equipped with a control valve so that flow can be completely stopped.
(3) The well shall be completed with seals, packers or grout that eliminates leakage around the well casing. The driller shall not move the drilling rig from the well site until leakage is completely stopped, unless authority for temporary removal is granted by the department, or when loss of life or property is imminent.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
18.104 RCW and RCW
43.21A.080. WSR 98-08-032 (Order 97-08), ยง 173-160-251, filed 3/23/98, effective 4/23/98.]