(1) At the close of the public comment period required pursuant to WAC
173-226-130 (3)(d) the department shall prepare a response to all relevant comments received (both written and oral) and shall briefly describe any changes, other than editing changes, and the principal reasons for making the changes to the draft general permit.
(2) General permits shall be deemed issued upon signing by the director or by a person delegated the authority to issue general permits pursuant to chapter
173-06 WAC.
(3) The department shall provide public notice of the issuance of all final general permits pursuant to WAC
173-226-130 (4)(a).
(4) General permits become effective thirty days after the date of publication in the
State Register of the public notice required pursuant to WAC
173-226-130 (4)(a) unless a later date is specified by the department.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
90.48 RCW. WSR 93-10-099 (Order 92-55), ยง 173-226-170, filed 5/5/93, effective 5/19/93.]