(1) Authorized testers must meet the following conditions:
(a) Use ecology approved testing equipment. The test must be done online unless ecology grants prior approval.
(b) Follow the testing procedure described in section 110 for gasoline vehicles and section 210 for diesel vehicles.
(c) As directed by ecology, provide information to vehicle owners and obtain their approval for emission-related repairs.
(d) Properly maintain testing equipment.
(e) Maintain logs approved by ecology of maintenance, repair, and calibration of testing equipment.
(f) Allow ecology to conduct performance audits and compliance inspections.
(g) Take corrective actions required by ecology.
(2) Violations of this rule by an authorized tester will result in their authorization being permanently or temporarily revoked unless it is the first lesser rule violation such as an administrative or recordkeeping error.
(a) For the first lesser rule violation, the authorized tester will receive a written warning that further rule violations of this type will result in their authorization being temporarily revoked for thirty to ninety days.
(b) For the first major, deliberate rule violation, such as fraudulent testing or reporting, their authorization will be temporarily revoked for six months.
(c) A second major violation will result in their authorization being permanently revoked.
(d) Reauthorization of a temporarily revoked authorization requires a new application for authorization.
(3) Notifications of violations will be documented in writing.
(4) An authorized tester whose authorization has been revoked may appeal this decision to the pollution control hearings board as provided for in RCW
[Statutory Authority: RCW
70.120.120. WSR 11-17-041 (Order 08-01), ยง 173-422A-340, filed 8/10/11, effective 7/1/12.]