(1) For residential uses (domestic use and irrigation of not more than 1/2 acre of noncommercial lawn and garden) of groundwater within upper Kittitas County that begin after July 8, 2008, a meter must be installed for each residential connection or each source well that serves multiple residential connections in compliance with the requirements of WAC
(2) For all other uses within upper Kittitas County that begin after November 25, 2009, including permit-exempt uses, a meter must be installed for each source well in compliance with such requirements as prescribed in WAC
(3) Water users must collect metering data for each recording period. The following table shows the five recording periods during each water year (October 1 through September 30):
Recording Period |
October 1 | - | March 31 |
April 1 | - | June 30 |
July 1 | - | July 31 |
August 1 | - | August 31 |
September 1 | - | September 30 |
(4) Water users must report their measurement data as follows:
Recording and Reporting Requirements |
Average diversion rate in gallons per minute | < 10 gpm | 10-49 gpm | ˃ 50 gpm |
Recording frequency | Monthly | Biweekly | Weekly |
Volume or rate to report | Maximum rate of diversion | Maximum rate of diversion | Maximum rate of diversion |
| Annual total volume | Annual total volume | Annual total volume |
Date data must be reported to department | By Jan. 31 of the following calendar year | By Jan. 31 of the following calendar year | By Jan. 31 of the following calendar year |
Monthly means calendar month |
Weekly means Monday 12:01 a.m. to Sunday 12:00 p.m. |
Biweekly means once every two weeks |
Daily means 12:01 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. |
1 gallon per minute is equivalent to .002 cubic feet per second |
[Statutory Authority: RCW
90.54.050 and chapter
43.27A RCW. WSR 11-01-163 (Order 08-12), § 173-539A-070, filed 12/22/10, effective 1/22/11.]