PDFWAC 173-802-060

Additional timing considerations.

(1) Department staff receiving a permit application will determine whether the proposal is an "action" and, if so, whether it is "categorically exempt" from SEPA. If the proposal is an action and is not exempt, the staff person should ask the applicant to complete an environmental checklist. A checklist is not needed if the department and applicant agree an EIS is required, SEPA compliance has been completed, SEPA compliance has been initiated by another agency, or a checklist is included with the application. The applicant should also complete an environmental checklist if the staff person is unsure whether the proposal is exempt.
(2) Department staff receiving a completed permit application and environmental checklist should determine whether WDOE or another agency is SEPA lead agency (see WAC 197-11-050 and 197-11-922 through 197-11-940) within five working days. If WDOE is not the lead agency, the staff person shall send the completed environmental checklist, a copy of the permit application, to the lead agency, and an explanation of the determination to the identified lead agency.
(3) When the department has prepared a draft regulation, the draft EIS or determination of nonsignificance (DNS) shall accompany the draft regulation to the ecological commission for its review.
(4) If the only nonexempt action is department approval of detailed project plans and specifications, an applicant may request that the department complete SEPA compliance before the applicant submits the detailed plans and specifications. If the applicant asks for early environmental review, the department shall complete such review at the final engineering report stage, but not earlier.
(5) Whenever possible, the department shall coordinate the comment periods for environmental documents and the planning documents and/or regulations for which they were written, circulating both documents together.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.21C.120 and 43.21C.135. WSR 84-13-037 (Order DE 84-21), ยง 173-802-060, filed 6/15/84. Formerly chapter 173-801 WAC.]