In addition to the general program standards and expectations established in WAC
181-78A-220 and
181-78A-231 through
181-78A-237, providers shall comply with the following:
(1) Field placement. The board will publish minimum field placement and clinical experience requirements for all roles. Providers must establish and maintain field placement agreements with all Washington school districts in which candidates are placed for field experiences leading to certification or endorsement. Each field placement agreement shall require, but not be limited to:
(a) Fingerprint and character clearance under RCW
28A.410.010 is current at all times during the field experience for candidates who do not hold a valid Washington certificate;
(b) Assurance that programs shall ensure candidates are placed in settings where they can be objectively evaluated;
(c) Specified qualifications of the proposed site supervisor for each site and qualifications of each school's cooperating educator/administrator;
(d) Assurances related to the provision of mentors, including:
(i) Mentors are instructional leaders identified collaboratively with the partner school or district;
(ii) Mentors and principals are provided with a set of internship expectations;
(iii) Mentors receive or provide evidence of training on mentoring of adult learners;
(iv) Mentors must be fully certificated school personnel and have a minimum of three years of professional experience in the role they are supervising.
(e) Providers must describe in writing the duties and responsibilities of site supervisors and mentors and the anticipated length and nature of the field experience;
(f) Teacher preparation programs.
(i) A provider of a teacher education program must administer the teacher performance assessment adopted by the board to all candidates in a residency certificate program.
(ii) Clinical practice for teacher candidates should consist of no less than four hundred fifty hours in classrooms settings.
(g) Administrator preparation programs.
(i) The internship for administrators shall take place in an education setting serving under the general supervision of a certificated practitioner who is performing in the role for which certification is sought.
(ii) A provider of a principal preparation program shall require for those persons beginning their internship August 1, 2016, and after, an internship which requires practice as an intern for five hundred forty hours, of which at least one-half shall be during school hours, when students and/or staff are present, and for the duration of a full school year. A "full school year" shall mean at least the majority of an academic year: Provided further, that a provider of a principal preparation program shall include demonstration by the candidate that she or he has the appropriate, specific skills pursuant to the standards identified in WAC
(iii) A provider of a superintendent preparation program shall require an internship of at least three hundred sixty hours.
(2) Assessment requirements for providers of teacher preparation programs.
(a) A provider of a teacher preparation program must assure that all candidates entering the program have successfully met the WEST B requirement under chapter
181-01 WAC at the time of admission. The provider must collect and hold evidence of candidates meeting this requirement.
(b) A provider of a teacher preparation program shall assure that the candidate has successfully attempted at least one WEST E or equivalent content assessment test per chapter
181-02 WAC prior to placing a teacher candidate in a student teaching role with a district. The provider must collect and hold evidence of candidates meeting this requirement.
(c) Teacher evaluation. Teacher preparation program providers shall require candidates for a residency certificate to demonstrate knowledge of teacher evaluation research and Washington's evaluation requirements.
(d) Performance assessment. Teacher preparation program providers shall require that each candidate engage in a performance assessment process approved by the board. All candidates shall exit the residency certificate program with a professional growth plan.
(3) Required since time immemorial curriculum integration.
(a) There shall be a one quarter or semester course in either Washington state history and government, or Pacific Northwest history and government in the curriculum of all teacher preparation programs.
(b) No person shall be completed from any of said programs without completing said course of study, unless otherwise determined by the Washington professional educator standards board.
(c) Any course in Washington state or Pacific Northwest history and government used to fulfill the requirement of this section shall include information on the culture, history, and government of the American Indian peoples who were the first human inhabitants of the state and the region.
(d) Teacher preparation program providers shall ensure that programs meet the requirements of this section by integrating the curriculum developed and made available free of charge by the office of the superintendent of curriculum developed and made available free of charge by the office of the superintendent of public instruction into existing programs or courses and may modify that curriculum in order to incorporate elements that have a regionally specific focus.
(4) Principal preparation programs.
(a) A provider of a principal preparation program must require candidates to demonstrate knowledge of teacher evaluation research, Washington's evaluation requirements, and successfully complete opportunities to practice teacher evaluation skills.
(b) Performance assessment. All candidates shall exit the preparation program with a professional growth plan.
(5) Professional education advisory board.
(a) All educator preparation program providers shall establish and maintain a professional education advisory board to participate in and cooperate with the organization on decisions related to the development, implementation, and revision of preparation program(s).
(b) The professional education advisory board has adopted operating procedures and has met at least three times a year.
(c) The professional education advisory board annually shall review and analyze data for the purposes of determining whether candidates have a positive impact on student learning and providing the institution with recommendations for programmatic change. This data may include, but not be limited to: Student surveys, follow-up studies, employment placement records, student performance portfolios, course evaluations, program review indicators, and summaries of performance on the pedagogy assessment for teacher candidates.
(d) The professional education advisory board shall make recommendations when appropriate for program changes to the institution which must in turn consider and respond to the recommendations in writing in a timely fashion.
(6) This section shall be in effect beginning September 1, 2017.