PDFWAC 181-79A-224

Professional transitions to public schools course work requirement.

(1) Professional transitions to public schools course work requirement. The candidate shall successfully complete a minimum of fifteen continuing education credit hours or one semester hour of course work approved by the professional educator standards board which will consist of the following outcomes. The candidates will:
(a) Demonstrate an understanding of school and special education laws and policies (national, state, and local) and their application to decision-making processes in the educational setting;
(b) Understand and demonstrate knowledge of working within the culture of the schools, creating an environment that fosters safety, health, and learning for the students;
(c) Demonstrate knowledge of appropriate resources in the school setting;
(d) Demonstrate knowledge of collaboration with team members which may include parents, teachers, administrators, and others to support learning outcomes for all students;
(e) Demonstrate knowledge of how to support the outcomes for all students through strategies such as scientifically based practices, collaborative teaming, and ethical decision making;
(f) Use professional standards to inform professional growth planning;
(g) Demonstrate an understanding of the use of human, community, and technological resources.
(2) An individual who meets all other requirements of the certificate but who has not completed the professional transitions to public schools requirement, shall be issued a temporary permit valid for one year, unless prior to the expiration date the superintendent of public instruction determines the applicant is ineligible to receive a valid certificate or endorsement which will allow the individual to practice in the role. The candidate shall verify to OSPI the completion of the required course work prior to the expiration of the one year temporary permit.
(3) The professional educator standards board will review professional transitions to public schools course work for approval and reapproval/disapproval per the posted schedule. All providers of this course work must maintain current approval status to offer the course.
(4) Out-of-state candidates under WAC 181-79A-257 are considered to have met the requirement for the professional transitions to public schools course work provided they meet one or more of the following:
(a) Have completed a state-approved program as an educational staff associate in the role; or
(b) Hold or have held a certificate in the role, comparable to a residency or initial certificate, issued by another state and have practiced at the P-12 school level in the role outside the state of Washington for at least three years; or
(c) Hold an appropriate degree from an accredited college or university and have practiced three years as an educational staff associate in that role in a state where such certificate was not required.
[Statutory Authority: Chapters 28A.410 and 28A.413 RCW. WSR 19-15-110, ยง 181-79A-224, filed 7/22/19, effective 8/22/19.]