The agreement required for deferring suspension or revocation proceedings shall read as follows:
"I, . . . . . ., have received notice in the form of an order to suspend or revoke that the superintendent of public instruction believes sufficient cause exists for the suspension or revocation of the following certificate(s):
(1) . . . . | Cert. No. . . . . |
(2) . . . . | Cert. No. . . . . |
As a condition to a delay in the hearing date, I agree not to commence or continue employment in any Washington public or private school or agency in a position requiring such certificate until the superintendent of public instruction dismisses the case without a hearing or until a hearing has been held and the final decision is rendered by the superintendent of public instruction. I further agree to advise the review officer assigned to my suspension or revocation proceedings of all decisions rendered in any administrative or judicial tribunal and all appeals therefrom which the review officer and I have agreed are factually related to the action to suspend or revoke my certificate(s). I understand my failure to abide by this agreement is an act of unprofessional conduct and, therefore, may be sufficient cause for revocation of my certificate(s)."
[WSR 06-02-051, recodified as § 181-86-160, filed 12/29/05, effective 1/1/06. Statutory Authority: RCW
28A.150.290(1). WSR 02-19-050, § 180-86-160, filed 9/11/02, effective 10/12/02. Statutory Authority: RCW
28A.70.005. WSR 90-02-076, § 180-86-160, filed 1/2/90, effective 2/2/90.]