(1) The state fire marshal adopts the following standards in effect on the effective date of this section unless otherwise outlined in this chapter:
(a) National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) codes:
(i) NFPA 140 2013 edition, Standard on motion picture and television production, studio soundstages, approved production facilities, and production locations.
(ii) NFPA 160 2011 edition, Standard for the use of flame effects before an audience.
(iii) NFPA 1123 2014 edition, Code for fireworks display.
(iv) NFPA 1126 2011 edition, Standard for the use of pyrotechnics before a proximate audience.
(b) American Pyrotechnic Association (APA) standard 87-01 2004 edition, Standard for construction and approval for transportation of fireworks, novelties, and theatrical pyrotechnics.
(2) If there is a conflict between a standard and rule, the standard will be followed unless the rule is more stringent.
(3) Penalties for violations of this section are provided in WAC
[Statutory Authority: RCW
70.77.250. WSR 15-22-082, ยง 212-17-021, filed 11/3/15, effective 1/1/16.]