PDFWAC 230-16-095

Prizes in carry-over jackpot pull-tab series.

Manufacturers must:
(1) Determine the contribution amount and the method of play and disclose both on the flare; and
(2) Ensure guaranteed prizes are sixty percent or more of gross receipts available from the pull-tab series. "Guaranteed prizes" means all prizes available, excluding the contribution amount or carry-over jackpot; and
(3) Ensure the contribution amount for each series does not exceed five hundred dollars. "Contribution amount" means the amount from each series that is added to the carry-over jackpot.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 9.46.070. WSR 07-19-069 (Order 615), ยง 230-16-095, filed 9/17/07, effective 1/1/08.]