(Effective until March 1, 2022.)

PDFWAC 246-215-08355

Conditions of retention—Permits not transferable (2009 FDA Food Code 8-304.20).

A permit may not be transferred from one person to another person, from one food establishment to another, or from one type of operation to another if the food operation changes from the type of operation specified in the application as specified under WAC 246-215-08325(3) and the change in operation is not approved.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20.050 and 43.20.145. WSR 13-03-109, § 246-215-08355, filed 1/17/13, effective 5/1/13.]
(Effective March 1, 2022.)

PDFWAC 246-215-08355

Conditions of retentionPermits not transferable ( FDA Food Code 8-304.20).

A permit may not be transferred from one person to another person, from one food establishment to another, or from one type of operation to another if the food operation changes from the type of operation specified in the application as specified under WAC 246-215-08325(3) and the change in operation is not approved.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 43.20.050 and 43.20.145. WSR 21-01-122, § 246-215-08355, filed 12/15/20, effective 3/1/22; WSR 13-03-109, § 246-215-08355, filed 1/17/13, effective 5/1/13.]