PDFWAC 246-803-410

Expired license.

An East Asian medicine practitioner with an expired license may return his or her license to an active license. During the time the license is expired, an East Asian medicine practitioner cannot practice in Washington state.
(1) If an East Asian medicine practitioner's license has expired for one year or less, the East Asian medicine practitioner may return to active status by meeting the requirements of WAC 246-12-040 (3)(a)(i) through (v) and 246-803-990.
(2) If an East Asian medicine practitioner's license has expired for more than one year but less than three, the East Asian medicine practitioner may return to active status by meeting the requirements of WAC 246-12-040 (3)(b)(i) through (ix) and 246-803-990.
(3) If an East Asian medicine practitioner's license has expired for three years or more at the time of application and they have been engaged in practice in another state or United States jurisdiction, the East Asian medicine practitioner may return to active status by submitting proof to the department of:
(a) Verification of active practice from any other state or United States jurisdiction. For this purpose "active practice" means a minimum of five hundred sixty hours of practice in the preceding twenty-four months; and
(b) Having met the requirements of WAC 246-12-040 (3)(c)(i) through (xi) and 246-803-990.
(4) If an East Asian medicine practitioner's license has expired for three years or more at the time of application and they have not been engaged in practice in another state or United States jurisdiction, the East Asian medicine practitioner may return to active status by submitting proof to the department of:
(a) Having met the requirements of subsection (2) of this section; and
(b) In addition to these requirements, the practitioner has the choice of:
(i) Completion of extended course work preapproved by the department; or
(ii) Successfully retaking and passing the examinations as required in WAC 246-803-240.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 18.06.160. WSR 20-03-112, § 246-803-410, filed 1/15/20, effective 2/15/20.]