(Effective until October 1, 2020)

PDFWAC 296-78-71001


(1) Construction when not specifically covered in these standards, must be governed by such other standards adopted by the department of labor and industries as may apply.
(2) All buildings, docks, tramways, walkways, log dumps and other structures must be designed, constructed, and maintained to provide a safety factor of four. This means that all members must be capable of supporting four times the maximum load to be imposed. This provision refers to buildings, docks and so forth designed and constructed subsequent to the effective date of these standards and also refers in all cases where either complete or major changes or repairs are made to such buildings, docks, tramways, walkways, log dumps and other structures.
(3) Basements on ground floors under mills must be evenly surfaced, free from unnecessary obstructions and debris, and provided with lighting facilities in compliance with the requirements of the safety and health core rules, WAC 296-800-210.
(4) All engines, motors, transmission machinery or operating equipment installed in mill basements or ground floors must be equipped with standard safeguards for the protection of workers.
(5) Flooring of buildings, ramps and walkways not subject to supporting motive equipment must not be of less than two-inch wood planking or material of equivalent structural strength.
(6) Flooring of buildings, ramps, docks, trestles and other structures required to support motive equipment must not be of less than full two and one-half inch wood planing or material of equivalent structural strength. However, where flooring is covered by steel floor plates, two inch wood planking or material or equivalent structural strength may be used.
(7) Walkways, docks, and platforms.
(a) Walkways, docks and platforms must be constructed and maintained in accordance with the requirements of WAC 296-24-735 through 296-24-75011 and WAC 296-800-270.
(b) Maintenance. Walkways must be evenly floored and kept in good repair.
(c) Where elevated platforms are used, they must be equipped with stairways or ladders in accordance with WAC 296-24-765 through 296-24-81013, WAC 296-800-250 and chapter 296-876 WAC, Ladders, portable and fixed.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, and 49.17.060. WSR 17-16-132, § 296-78-71001, filed 8/1/17, effective 9/1/17; WSR 06-16-020, § 296-78-71001, filed 7/24/06, effective 12/1/06; WSR 04-18-080, § 296-78-71001, filed 8/31/04, effective 11/1/04; WSR 03-06-076, § 296-78-71001, filed 3/4/03, effective 8/1/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, and [49.17].050. WSR 01-11-038, § 296-78-71001, filed 5/9/01, effective 9/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040, 49.17.050 and 49.17.240. WSR 81-18-029 (Order 81-21), § 296-78-71001, filed 8/27/81.]
(Effective October 1, 2020)

PDFWAC 296-78-71001


(1) Construction when not specifically covered in these standards, must be governed by such other standards adopted by the department of labor and industries as may apply.
(2) All buildings, docks, tramways, walkways, log dumps and other structures must be designed, constructed, and maintained to provide a safety factor of four. This means that all members must be capable of supporting four times the maximum load to be imposed. This provision refers to buildings, docks and so forth designed and constructed subsequent to the effective date of these standards and also refers in all cases where either complete or major changes or repairs are made to such buildings, docks, tramways, walkways, log dumps and other structures.
(3) Basements on ground floors under mills must be evenly surfaced, free from unnecessary obstructions and debris, and provided with lighting facilities in compliance with the requirements of the safety and health core rules, WAC 296-800-210.
(4) All engines, motors, transmission machinery or operating equipment installed in mill basements or ground floors must be equipped with standard safeguards for the protection of workers.
(5) Flooring of buildings, ramps and walkways not subject to supporting motive equipment must not be of less than two-inch wood planking or material of equivalent structural strength.
(6) Flooring of buildings, ramps, docks, trestles and other structures required to support motive equipment must not be of less than full two and one-half inch wood planing or material of equivalent structural strength. However, where flooring is covered by steel floor plates, two inch wood planking or material or equivalent structural strength may be used.
(7) Walkways, docks, and platforms.
(a) Walkways, docks and platforms must be constructed and maintained in accordance with the requirements of WAC 296-24-735, WAC 296-800-270, and in accordance with chapter 296-880 WAC.
(b) Maintenance. Walkways must be evenly floored and kept in good repair.
(c) Where elevated platforms are used, they must be equipped with stairways or ladders in accordance with WAC 296-24-765 through 296-24-81013, WAC 296-800-250 and chapter 296-876 WAC, Ladders, portable and fixed.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, 49.17.060, and chapter 49.17 RCW. WSR 20-12-091, § 296-78-71001, filed 6/2/20, effective 10/1/20. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, 49.17.040, 49.17.050, and 49.17.060. WSR 17-16-132, § 296-78-71001, filed 8/1/17, effective 9/1/17; WSR 06-16-020, § 296-78-71001, filed 7/24/06, effective 12/1/06; WSR 04-18-080, § 296-78-71001, filed 8/31/04, effective 11/1/04; WSR 03-06-076, § 296-78-71001, filed 3/4/03, effective 8/1/03. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.010, [49.17].040, and [49.17].050. WSR 01-11-038, § 296-78-71001, filed 5/9/01, effective 9/1/01. Statutory Authority: RCW 49.17.040, 49.17.050 and 49.17.240. WSR 81-18-029 (Order 81-21), § 296-78-71001, filed 8/27/81.]