For any of the specific substances listed in Table 2 of the scope of this chapter, you need to follow the medical evaluation procedures found in the chapters regulating those substances if employee exposure routinely exceeds the AL or PEL. For all other employee exposures follow this section to determine medical evaluation procedures.
(1) You must make medical evaluations available when:
(a) An employee develops signs or symptoms associated with a hazardous substance from laboratory exposure.
(b) Any emergency situation that could cause a hazardous exposure, such as a spill, leak, or explosion, occurs.
(c) A medical provider recommends a follow-up evaluation.
(d) Exposure monitoring for any of the substances found in Table 2 reveals exposures routinely over the action level (AL) or in the absence of an AL the permissible exposure level (PEL).
(2) You must make sure medical evaluations are provided at reasonable times and places, and at no cost to employees.
Note: | This includes travel costs and wages associated with any time spent obtaining the medical evaluation. |
(3) You must provide the LHCP the following information before the medical evaluation is performed:
(a) The name of the hazardous chemicals the employee may have been exposed to.
(b) Any signs or symptoms of exposure the employee has.
(c) A description of the conditions under which the exposure occurred.
(d) The exposure monitoring results for the conditions, if available.
(4) You must obtain the LHCP's written opinion for each medical evaluation that includes the following:
(a) Recommendations for medical follow-up.
(b) Any medical conditions found that would increase the employee's risk for impairment from exposure to a hazardous chemical.
(c) A statement that the employee has been informed of exposure-related medical results and conditions that require further examination or treatment.
(d) A written opinion that does not contain any medical information unrelated to the employee's occupational exposures. If the written opinion contains any medical information unrelated to occupational exposures, return it to the LHCP and obtain a revised version without the additional medical information.
Reference: | For additional requirements relating to employee medical records, go to chapter 296-802 WAC, Employee medical and exposure records. |
[Statutory Authority: RCW
49.17.060. WSR 15-24-102, § 296-828-20030, filed 12/1/15, effective 1/5/16; WSR 07-03-163, § 296-828-20030, filed 1/24/07, effective 4/1/07; WSR 06-02-060, § 296-828-20030, filed 1/3/06, effective 4/1/06.]