PDFWAC 308-108-190

Emergency clause.

The following rule applies to when instructors or students are not able to convene in person due to a state of emergency issued by the governor under RCW 43.06.210 and 43.06.220. While a state of emergency remains in effect, the director of licensing may allow driver training schools to:
(1) Offer driver training education through web-based instruction. Any web-based instruction offered under this provision must:
(a) Comply with all requirements in chapter 46.82 RCW, including RCW 46.82.350;
(b) Offer classes remotely with interactive, web-based instruction;
(c) Meet instruction standards set forth in WAC 308-108-150, excluding the requirement to hold classes in person;
(d) Waive requirements to complete the one hour of student driver observation in WAC 308-108-160 (1)(b); and
(e) Allow students to communicate with the instructor in real-time.
(2) When the state of emergency has been rescinded, schools have thirty calendar days to conclude web-based instruction and return to in-person instruction.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 46.82.290. WSR 20-20-143, § 308-108-190, filed 10/7/20, effective 11/7/20.]