(1) Parental leave may be a combination of vacation leave, personal holiday, compensatory time, shared leave and leave of absence without pay. Sick leave may be used if the criteria in WAC
357-31-130 are met. The combination and use of paid and unpaid leave during a parental leave is at the employee's choice.
(2) If necessary while on approved parental leave, the employee must be allowed to use a minimum of eight hours per month of the accrued paid leave identified in subsection (1) of this section during a parental leave of absence without pay to provide for continuation of benefits as provided by the public employees' benefits board. The employer designates when during the month paid leave will be interspersed to maintain benefits.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter
41.06 RCW and RCW
50A.15.060. WSR 20-06-008, § 357-31-490, filed 2/20/20, effective 5/1/20. Statutory Authority: Chapter
41.06 RCW. WSR 05-08-140, § 357-31-490, filed 4/6/05, effective 7/1/05.]