PDFWAC 381-40-160

Parole to detainer or deportation.

A written notice, signed by the superintendent, will be provided to the board as soon as a detainer is lodged and filed against an inmate and copies of all correspondence referring to detainers and all written notices shall be sent immediately to the board. The board's policy regarding detainers is that an individual whose minimum term has been set may be paroled to a detainer on or after his parole eligibility review date (PERD).
If paroled to an immigration detainer, the board may require an alternative board approved parole plan. If released from the immigration detainer, the parolee must report to the nearest division of community corrections office within twenty-four hours.
[WSR 91-14-029, ยง 381-40-160, filed 6/26/91, effective 7/27/91.]