(1) Conditionally assigned arrears are any temporarily assigned arrears that remain on a case after the family stops receiving TANF.
(2) These arrears remain conditionally assigned during TANF periods beginning on or after October 1, 2008.
(3) If federal tax refund offset collections are distributed to conditionally assigned arrears, those collections are retained by the state, up to the amount of unreimbursed assistance.
(4) If support collections other than federal tax refund offset collections are distributed to conditionally assigned arrears, those collections are disbursed to the family.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
26.23.050, [26.23.]110,
74.20A.030, [74.20A.]055, [74.20A.]056, and
74.20A.310. WSR 09-02-059, ยง 388-14A-2039, filed 1/5/09, effective 1/27/09.]