(1) When acting as the responding agency in an intergovernmental IV-D case, the division of child support (DCS) pays the costs it incurs in processing the case, including the costs of genetic testing.
(2) See WAC
388-14A-8300 for the rules regarding payment of genetic testing costs in any IV-D case.
(3) DCS may recover its costs of providing services in intergovernmental nonassistance (both never-assistance and former-assistance) cases as provided under 45 C.F.R. 302.33(d), but when the initiating jurisdiction is a foreign reciprocating country (FRC):
(a) DCS may not assess costs against either the FRC or the custodial parent residing in an FRC; and
(b) DCS may assess costs against the noncustodial parent in such a case.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
34.05.350 (1)(b),
74.20A.310 and 45 C.F.R. Parts 301.1, 302.36, 303.7, 303.11, 305.63, and 308.2. WSR 13-01-075, ยง 388-14A-7640, filed 12/18/12, effective 1/18/13.]