PDFWAC 388-101D-0645

What infection control practices must a group training home implement?

(1) The group training home must implement occupational safety and health administration (OSHA) universal precautions to limit the spread of infections when:
(a) Providing client care and services;
(b) Cleaning the home;
(c) Washing laundry; and
(d) Managing infectious waste.
(2) The group training home must:
(a) Provide staff with the supplies, equipment, and protective clothing necessary for limiting the spread of infections;
(b) Restrict a staff person's contact with clients when the staff person has an illness that is likely to spread in the group training home by casual contact; and
(c) Report communicable diseases as required under chapter 246-100 WAC.
(3) If a client has a positive tuberculosis test result, the group training home must ensure the client:
(a) Has a chest X-ray no more than seven days after the positive test result;
(b) Is evaluated for signs and symptoms of tuberculosis; and
(c) Follows the recommendation of the client's healthcare provider.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 71A.12.030, 71A.12.120, 71A.12.040 and 71A.22.010. WSR 18-23-101, ยง 388-101D-0645, filed 11/20/18, effective 1/1/19.]