PDFWAC 388-112A-0350

What documentation is required to show completion of the seventy-hour long-term care worker basic training and five hour orientation and safety training?

(1) Long-term care worker basic training must be documented by a department certificate of successful completion of seventy-five hours of training that is issued by the instructor or training entity and includes:
(a) The name of the student;
(b) The name of the training;
(c) The number of hours of the training;
(d) The name and department number of the home or training entity giving the training;
(e) The name and signature of the instructor who has an identification number (I-code) to be authorized to sign the certificate, who provided one of the following classes:
(i) Core basic training;
(ii) Population specific training; or
(iii) Specialty training;
(f) The name and identification number (I-code) of the instructor for core competencies and the home or training entity giving the training; and
(g) The completion date of training.
(2) The student must be given an original certificate for proof of completion of the training that the student must retain for his or her records. The provider, and if applicable, the training entity must keep a copy of the certificate as described in WAC 388-76-10198 for adult family homes and as described in WAC 388-78A-2450 for assisted living facilities.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.39A.009, 74.39A.070, 74.39A.074, 74.39A.351, 74.39A.341, 18.20.270, 18.88B.021, 18.88B.035, 70.128.230, 71A.12.030. WSR 17-22-036, ยง 388-112A-0350, filed 10/24/17, effective 11/24/17.]