Yes. You may be authorized to receive fewer than the number of hours allocated if one or more of the following factors is detailed on your employment plan:
(1) You can independently find and maintain employment.
(2) Your employment is stable and you need few support hours to maintain it.
(3) You have natural supports from co-workers, family, friends, or others who support you in finding and maintaining a job.
(4) Your job schedule does not require the full amount of supports allocated to your supported employment service level.
(5) You choose to receive fewer hours of support than are allocated for your supported employment service level.
(6) There are other factors in your employment plan which indicate you can find and maintain a job with fewer support hours.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
71A.12.030 and 2012 c 49. WSR 13-01-076, ยง 388-828-9345, filed 12/18/12, effective 1/18/13.]