(1) The residential algorithm uses your assessed support needs scores (as defined in WAC
388-828-9550 through
388-828-9690) to answer questions in a decision tree.
(2) The decision tree path determines your residential service level of support (WAC
(3) The decision tree is separated into the following three steps:
(a) Step 1 determines whether your residential support needs scores meet the criteria for less than daily support or the criteria for community protection.
(b) Step 2 determines whether your residential support needs scores meet the criteria for continuous day and night support.
(c) Step 3 determines whether your residential support needs scores meet the criteria for intermittent support.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
71A.12.030 and Title
71A RCW. WSR 09-06-047, § 388-828-9700, filed 2/25/09, effective 3/28/09. WSR 08-15-091, recodified as § 388-828-9700, filed 7/17/08, effective 7/17/08; WSR 08-12-037, § 388-828-10380, filed 5/30/08, effective 7/1/08.]