PDFWAC 388-880-150

Requests for public disclosure.

(1) Public disclosure requests for SCC records.
SCC records may be requested under the Public Records Act providing that the request complies with requirements and limitations of chapter 42.56 RCW and the fulfillment of that request will not violate any of the disclosure exemptions and limitations found in state or federal law.
(a) A public records disclosure request should include:
(i) Requester's name;
(ii) Requester's address;
(iii) A clear statement on the first page of the request indicating that the request is asking for public records; and
(iv) Identification and specification of the records(s) wanted.
(b) The address and fax number for requesting SCC records under public disclosure is:
DSHS - Special Commitment Center
Attn: Public Disclosure Coordinator
P.O. Box 88450
Steilacoom, Washington 98388-0646
Or the request can be faxed to (253) 617-6318.
(2) Public viewing of SCC records.
Requesters may review requested SCC records instead of, or before purchasing, by:
(a) Requesting a viewing appointment through SCC public disclosure staff after receiving notice that the records are assembled.
(b) Attending the scheduled viewing appointment at the SCC administrative offices located at 1715 Lafayette Street in Steilacoom, Washington.
(c) Viewing hours are between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except on legal holidays.
(d) The requester may purchase copies of public records before or at the time of public viewing.
(e) The requester may designate another person to review the requested records at a viewing appointment as arranged through SCC public disclosure staff.
(f) If the requester or such other person as he designates does not appear to view an installment of records, the SCC no longer needs to complete processing of the request and the request is considered abandoned and complete.
(3) Cost for making public disclosure copies of SCC records.
Under the Public Disclosure Act, SCC charges a fee for making copies associated with a public disclosure request.
(a) Paper copy cost. The cost charged by SCC for copies of records under public records disclosure is fifteen cents per single-sided page or thirty cents for double-sided pages in the native format, plus the actual cost of the mailing container and postage.
(b) Electronic copy cost. PDF or TIFF type copies of SCC records may be provided when appropriate at the cost of fifty dollars per hour or thirteen cents per page, in the native format, plus cost of media, mailing container and postage. When charged an hourly rate, it shall be prorated based on the actual time used to scan the documents and transfer them to electronic media. Due to privacy and security concerns when exemptions apply to any part of the information provided, copies of electronic records must normally be provided in PDF or similar format.
(c) Other records. SCC charges fifty dollars per hour, prorated based on the actual time used, to make copies of videotapes and compact disks such as CDR and DVD formatted items, plus the cost of media, mailing container and postage.
(d) No party will be reimbursed for public record request costs made under chapter 388-885 WAC.
[Statutory Authority: Chapter 71.09 RCW and RCW 72.01.090. WSR 10-13-130, ยง 388-880-150, filed 6/22/10, effective 7/23/10.]