(1) A DVR counselor reviews and assesses information and records about the current status of your disability and determines whether you meet the eligibility requirements outlined in WAC
(a) A DVR counselor bases the determination on observations, education records, medical records, information provided by you or your family, and information provided by other agencies or professionals.
(b) If information or records are not current, available, or sufficient for a DVR counselor to determine if you are eligible, DVR provides the assessment services necessary to get the information needed to make a decision.
(c) VR services used to collect additional information and records to determine eligibility may include medical or psychological evaluations, trial work, assistive technology, personal assistant services, or any other support services necessary to determine if you are eligible.
(d) DVR must not use your participation in pre-employment transition services as an assessment to determine your eligibility for VR services.
(2) When additional assessment services are necessary to get the information needed to make a decision about your eligibility, DVR assists you in making informed choices about the services, providers, and supports you need to participate in those assessment services.
(3) If you decline to provide or consent to the release of records or if you decline to participate in VR services necessary to obtain information required to make an eligibility determination, your VR case service record is closed.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
74.29.020(8) and 34 C.F.R., Parts 361, 363, 397. WSR 18-12-035, ยง 388-891A-0505, filed 5/29/18, effective 6/30/18.]