PDFWAC 388-891A-0700

What vocational rehabilitation services are available to individuals from DVR?

The following VR services are available to individuals from DVR:
(1) Assessment services;
(2) Benefits planning services;
(3) Independent living evaluation and services;
(4) Information and referral services;
(5) Interpreter services;
(6) Job-related services;
(7) Maintenance services;
(8) Occupational licenses;
(9) Personal assistance services;
(10) Physical and mental restoration services;
(11) Pre-employment transition services;
(12) Rehabilitation technology services;
(13) Self-employment services;
(14) Services to family members;
(15) Substantial vocational rehabilitation counseling and guidance services;
(16) Tools, equipment, initial stocks, and supplies;
(17) Training services;
(18) Transition services;
(19) Translation services;
(20) Transportation services;
(21) Other services; and
(22) Post-employment services.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 74.29.020(8) and 34 C.F.R., Parts 361, 363, 397. WSR 18-12-035, ยง 388-891A-0700, filed 5/29/18, effective 6/30/18.]