(1) Some of the assessments that DVR may use include, but are not limited to:
(a) Assistive technology evaluation;
(b) Background checks, including criminal history background checks;
(c) Community based assessment (CBA);
(d) Driving evaluation;
(e) Substance use disorder assessment;
(f) Educational achievements;
(g) Environmental factors that affect your employment and rehabilitation needs;
(h) Independent living evaluation;
(i) Physical assessment;
(j) Psychological or neuropsychological evaluation;
(k) Psychosexual evaluation or a sexual offender behavior assessment;
(l) Risk or safety assessment to determine whether a risk may exist to you or others;
(m) Self-employment feasibility assessment;
(n) Supported employment assessment of ongoing and extended support needs;
(o) Training as an assessment;
(p) Trial work experience as outlined in WAC
388-891A-0526 through
388-891A-0530 to determine you are eligible, ineligible, or no longer eligible;
(q) Vocational, interest, and aptitude assessment;
(r) Work experience, both paid and unpaid; and
(s) Other assessments.
(2) DVR conducts assessments using information provided by you and your family to the extent that it is available.
(3) DVR will obtain information or purchase assessment services if needed for making the determinations described in WAC
388-891A-0705. Information may be obtained, as described in WAC
388-891A-0103, from other programs and agencies that serve you.
(4) DVR will not utilize information generated through your participation in pre-employment transition services to determine eligibility for any other vocational rehabilitation services.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
74.29.020(8) and 34 C.F.R., Parts 361, 363, 397. WSR 18-12-035, ยง 388-891A-0706, filed 5/29/18, effective 6/30/18.]