(1) An integrated work setting in supported employment is a setting commonly found in the community, in which you interact with people without disabilities to the same extent that a person without disabilities in the same type of job interacts with other people.
(2) Interactions at your worksite between you and a supported employment service provider without disabilities do not meet the requirement for an integrated setting.
(3) Your work setting may only be considered integrated if your work unit, which refers to either the group of employees at your job who work together to accomplish tasks or to all employees with the same job category in an organization, includes individuals without disabilities to the same extent as found in the work unit of a person without disabilities performing the same job.
[Statutory Authority: RCW
74.29.020(8) and 34 C.F.R., Parts 361, 363, 397. WSR 18-12-035, ยง 388-891A-1030, filed 5/29/18, effective 6/30/18.]