PDFWAC 392-172A-06005

Consistency with state policies.

The school district or other public agency, in providing for the education of students eligible for special education must have in effect policies, procedures, and programs that are consistent with the state policies and procedures established in this chapter.
[Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.155.090 and 34 C.F.R. Part 300. WSR 09-20-053, § 392-172A-06005, filed 10/1/09, effective 11/1/09. Statutory Authority: RCW 28A.155.090(7) and 42 U.S.C. 1400 et. seq. WSR 07-14-078, § 392-172A-06005, filed 6/29/07, effective 7/30/07.]